DocVentures is a unique health care firm dedicated to helping physicians develop and manage specialty clinics to complement and extend their private practice.
Endoscopy Clinics  Practice Extenders 
www.docventures.com - 2009-02-04
Nigerian doctors online where Nigerian doctors come to interact with the public and discuss health issues affecting Nigeria
Nigerian doctors online 
www.nigeriandoctorsonline.com - 2009-02-11
Physician Admin
www.physicianadmin.com - 2009-02-10
DemeTECH Corporation is one of the leading providers of medical supplies and services throughout the US and Latin American markets.
www.nicaven.com - 2009-02-06
Nationwide Medical Foods ditributes Physician Therapeutics Medical Foods to Physicians for the management of Fibromyalgia and Obesity
medicalfoods.com - 2009-04-08
= 3 )) || ((navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") && (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 4 ))); function MSFPpreload(img) { var a=new Image(); ...
Jared Piety  John Prosser  Spring Family Medical 
www.springfamilymedical.com - 2009-02-07
eMedNotes, Automated Physician Progress Notes. Intelligent Progress Note and Document Creation and Management
Physician Progress Notes 
www.emednotes.com - 2009-02-06
1000Lists is a mailing list broker specializing in medical mailing lists, consumer, business, physician, helping companies an individuals purchase lists. We ...
www.1000lists.com - 2009-02-15
Housecalls for Today's Seniors
www.housecall-physicians.com - 2009-02-11
Bulletin for NYU Hospital for Joint Diseases. A Journal of Othopeadics, Rheumatology and Related Disciplines
NYUHJD  NYU-HJD  Othopeadics 
www.nyuhjdbulletin.org - 2009-04-09
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health care